Thursday, 15 June 2017



An ear infection occur due to block sound from going through the ear canal or middle ear to the inner ear.Given below the types of infection causes reversible hearing loss such as:
· Inflammation or infection of the ear canal (otitis externa):- This infection is mostly occurred in "swimmer's ear," due to too much water in the ear and inflammation, swelling, or build-up (exudates) in the ear canal may block sound from moving to the middle ear. When the infection goes away then hearing usually returns on its own.
· Middle ear infection (Otitis media): - Sound is block may be cause of swelling and pus. But this is rarely, hearing loss permanent may be occur due to middle ear infections. Many time antibiotics must be required for recovering hearing loss
· Fluid in the space behind the eardrum (otitis media with effusion):- This is occurred with or without infection. Fluid build-up is distorted sound or blocked its reach to the inner ear.
· Birth complications: - Some infections during pregnancy such as syphilis and rubella.
·  Viral infection of the cochlea (the main sensory organ of hearing):-This may become sudden hearing loss due to the viruses ( upper respiratory infections such as influenza or a cold).
· Conductive Hearing loss: - When deafness is as a result of issues with the meatus, eardrum, or tympanic cavity and its very little bones (the auditory ossicle, incus, and stapes).
· Sensorineural hearing loss: - It is occurred due to acoustic trauma (which is exposure to excessively loud noise), head trauma or sudden changes in air pressure such as in airplane adequate. The medical therapies with corticosteroids are reduced cochlea hair cell swelling and tenderness to improve healing of these injured inner ear structures.
Ear infections can occur at any age. So, you should go to professional or audiology of hearing aid care for check up. The audiologists will evaluate the particular cause of hearing issues and give advice patients of their treatment and rehabilitative choices. The professionals will help patients achieve the most effective hearing outcomes and hearing-related quality of life.

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